
How to stop our darling from Thumb sucking


Hi ,
I heard you must first how what he/she most fear about and use it to stop them from sucking thumb.

Someone successfully using plaster in the day time and during night time, i put on socks on both her hands. initially she is very cranky, we have to stay firm. my girl took about coming to 2 weeks to stop this habit. hope this method will help on your babies too.

another rub a bit Chilli sauce {alternate bought the nail bite lotion} (the McD or BK pkt) on child's fingers. Whichever finger caught in her mouth, the finger(s) kanna a bit chilli then I purposely 'help' her put that finger(s) back into her mouth. c her red eye, I give water to extiinguish fire. Y I use this method? Hand Foot n Mouth alert! Afraid she get virus so must make sure she don't put fingers into her mouth n get sick. child doesn't understand what's right or wrong nor simple instruction.the child has a small 60ml bottle with small teat (S or X) to temporarily stop her craving for fingers or pacifier. Problem solved! Came back once when she had fits (sort of forgot/memory back tracked) - I used Chilli sauce to remind her. Works for me.

hi .... dont know this will help or not... for those whose babies can understand liao... u can try telling them the problem if they continue to thumb-suck, keep repeating it once u see them sucking their thumb, worst to worst show them pictures of children who suck their thumb and have problem with the alightment of the front teeth. prolong thumb sucking can cause open-bite of the anterior(front) teeth, that means the children will have difficulty biting food using their front teeth cause the upper n lower front teeth dont meet each other.

quote: Hi everyone, just read this thread and thought I would revive it. I just managed to successfully stop my kid (3.5 Yrs) from thumb/finger sucking and he's been great for more than 1 month already. Previously I tried nail bite lotion etc but he got immuned to the nail bite lotion even! So About one month ago, I put a pair of his clean socks over his hands before he went to sleep and taped them around his wrists over the socks using surgical tape (very gentle made of cloth like material but still quite strong). I explained to him that he is a big boy and he really has to kick the habit. There were some tears but not too many (cos I think he knows we've been tyring to get him to stop for a long time already) I also stuck up on the wall a chart titled MY STOP SUCKING STARS and let him paste up a gold star for each day he successfully did not suck for both nap and nighttime. When he collected 10 stars, I let him choose a small toy from Toysrus. Also encouraged and praised him every morning. Was very firm with him. Stuck to my guns even when he cried but he always stopped after awhile. Found this to work very well. So far so good for more than a month already. Good luck everyone.

quote: Hi all, My son is 3yrs old is also a super thumb sucker. Callus already form on his left thumb. We tried the plaster method but it didn't work out cos he knows how to take it off. Thinking of getting the lotion too but wonder if it works. The lotion cost about $12 from Guardian. Will try momof3 "My stop sucking stars" chart method. When i tell him about getting him a toy if he manages to get 10 stars, he seems half understood like that. Will also try the sock/mitten method, just scared that he will take it out by himself. Wish me luck!

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